This pintail is 38” long and 10” wide and is one of the easier and effortless boards to skate. With absolutely no flex this board is as sturdy as an ox. I always recommend this board for people looking to get an easy to cruise longboard. This board is great for people getting into longboarding and the experienced longboarders who are looking for a nice a sturdy board for tricks and slides. This board is definitely the thickest board in our inventory and holds the most weight up to about 350 LBs.
Why are Ehlers longboards so inexpensive!? That’s the question I have been getting since I started in 2010. The answer is, I only sell directly to customers. When customers go into shops like active, zumies or other board shops to purchase a board. The board has already been marked up two times. Most big longboarding companies sell to distributors for their profit and then the distributors sell to the shops for their profit. So by the time the longboard sits on the shelf it has already been marked up several times.
We have more new stuff going on with Ehlers Longboards. We now have our logo screen printed on the grip tape. We are currently in the process of shooting photos every time a board goes out so we can capture it for the website. Most styles will be done by the end of the month. Here are some examples of new grip logos.
New shape coming soon! I just got our new prototype finished today. They are in production as we speak and will be ready in two weeks. It’s a drop through double kick or longboard blank decks, the nose and tail rise up for more advanced tricks. You can regular and nose Manuel on this board along with shuvits and any other tricks you may have up your sleeve. The board is 100% Canadian maple and made in California. The belly is cambered for a nice spring feeling, and keep your gullwing sidewinders at home because this beast is built to carve like no other